Grader Leveler 7′ with Skid Steer Mount

Grader Leveler 7′ with Skid Steer Mount


Grader Leveler with Skid Steer Mount, MK Martin


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SKU: MKGL778-SSM – 796 Category: Tag:


Grader Leveler with Skid Steer Mount, MK Martin

This two in one combination of leveling and scraping makes short work of your grading jobs. The first blade attacks the high spots cutting them down to size, the second blade further scrapes anything the first missed and fills in the hollows. With two blades cutting and filling it takes much less time and fewer passes to achieve the even distribution of material you are looking for.

The scraper can be 3PH mounted, or equipped with a skidsteer adapter plate puts the work in front of you.


  • 1/2″ Reversible Hardened Cutting Edges: With two half inch reversible hardened cutting edges material is quickly leveled or redistributed to fill low points as the unit passes.
  • Bolt-On Skid Shoes:  The bolt-on skid shoes allows the Grader Leveler to effortlessly run over your path without damaging the product, or damaging the area you’re leveling.

Additional information

Weight 796 lbs


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